Sitecore MVC Exception on Content Delivery servers

Sitecore MVC Exception on Content Delivery servers

If you use MVC and follow Sitecore's guidelines with regards to which config files should be enabled/disabled on CD servers you might run into this exception:

InvalidOperationException: No route in the route table matches the supplied values.

The issue

This can happen when you have deleted/disabled the Sitecore.Speak.Mvc.config, which Sitecore recommends you do on Content Deliver servers, and use the default MVC helper methods @Html.Action and @Html.RenderAction in your renderings.

For some reason those methods requires a route containing the pattern {controller}/{action} to work. These are part of the default route in a standard MVC project, but usually not in a Sitecore project.

But then why does it work until we delete/disable Sitecore.Speak.Mvc.config?

Because that config files adds a processor to the initialize pipeline.

  <processor type="Sitecore.Mvc.Pipelines.Initialize.InitializeCommandRoute, Sitecore.Speak.Client" patch:before="processor[@type='Sitecore.Mvc.Pipelines.Loader.InitializeRoutes, Sitecore.Mvc']"/>

This processor registers the following routes:

protected virtual void RegisterRoutes(RouteCollection routes, PipelineArgs args)
    string commandRoutePrefix = SpeakSettings.Mvc.CommandRoutePrefix;
    routes.MapRoute("Sitecore.Speak.Commands", commandRoutePrefix + "{controller}/{action}");
    routes.MapRoute("Sitecore.Speak", "sitecore/shell/api/sitecore/{controller}/{action}");

So when you delete/disable this config file, those routes do no longer get registered.

How to fix it

It's pretty simple to fix. You just have to add a route containing the {controller}/{action} pattern in your own processor in the initialize pipeline.

// Something like this

I'm not sure if the route would overwrite Sitecore's route handling, so to be sure I would use a distinct path for the route that you are sure to never match a page URL for your site.

If you want to prevent the action method from being invoked as a result of a user request you can add the [ChildActionOnly] attribute to it.

The Config Enable-Disable spreadsheet

If for some reason, like me, you can never find the download link for the Config Enable-Disable spreadsheet, then you can find them on this page.